Excellence of Na’at
By the grace of Almight Allah (سبحانہٗ تعالیٰ) I am engaged for the last 41 years in creating, promoting and pursuing critical norms for the aesthetics of Na’atia Poetry. “Jawahir-un-Na’at” was compiled in 1981 and its foreword gained popularity so much that the book was given to “Jang” Karachi for book review in March or in April,1982. And “Jang” published full text of the foreword in the paper on 7th June 1982. This text was picked up by Sindh Information Department’s Journal “Izhar” and afterwards, selected by the Editor of “Auj” Saheed Professor Aftab Naqvi, for “Na’at Number” (1992-1993). This popularity of only my 12 paged forewords infused in me the spirit to strive hard to promote my ideas regarding better development of Na’at rendering trends. It was also the great blessing of Almighty Allah (سبحانہٗ تعالیٰ) that I met Sabih Rahmani in 1994 and my article (Careless usage of Language and Narrative in Na;’atia Poetry)”نعتِ نبی میں زبان و بیان کی بےاحتیاطیاں” appeared in the first issue of “Na’at Rang” in April 1995. This article also gained much appreciation of scholars. This encouragement paved the way for my constant involvement in the subject. Al-Hamdo-Lillah by now 22 books have been published besides 30 Issues of Na’at Rang containing my little contributions.
I am neither academically a professor nor an English writer. I remained busy in Accounts/Audit profession till 2009. After retirement from my service, I took admission in Ph.D and got Degree in 2012 on the basis of my thesis “اردو نعتیہ ادب کے انتقادی سرمائے کا تحقیقی مطالعہ”. The book got published in 2013.
This history has been narrated in order to seek pardon from English knowing audience for my poor English as my educational background was never an English Medium.
This is my first attempt to adopt English for expressing my views.
I desire to record my heartiest gratitude to a scholar of the subject of “Na’at”, Dr. Saleem Ullh Jundran who felt heartiest pleasure to guide me for arranging chapter wise content of the book. He has also gone through the text verbatim and suggested profound points to adopt for its betterment.
I am also thankful to Sabih Rahmani who continuously persuaded me to furnish the task of writing a book for English knowing audience, speakers, readers and writers for apprising them towards this glorified subject matter. I am indebted to all the writers, poets of Na’at whose texts have been used in this treatise. I owe thanks for all translators of any Text of any language i.e., Arabic, Persian and Urdu into English, whose quotations are appeared in my text to illuminate the point. They all deserve my humble gratitude and salutations.1
It is prayed that Allah (سبحانہٗ تعالیٰ) may accept my humble renderings and call me not to account if I omit to do my duty properly. I would end up my submissions by borrowing words from Imam Busiri (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ):
یا ربِ بالمصطفیٰ بلِغ مقاصِدَنا
وَاغفِرلَنَا مَا مَضٰی یَا وَاسِعَ الکَرَمٖ
“O Lord! On behalf of Chosen One fulfil our good aims I claim;
The All Comprehending, the Generous forgive acts of shame”.
(English Translation: Ahmad Mahmood uz Zaman).2
(عزیزؔ احسن)
Aziz Ahsan.
Saturday 17th Shawwal 1442A.H. 29th May,2021.
Title Image by Abdullah Shakoor from Pixabay
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