

A state in which the littles have the will and power to do what their littleness wants while the I’s have unawareness of doing the littleness little wants.


.Infinite Wealth
.Thump minds


There is only and only one way the:

“Absolute control”

It means to have a shadow on each and every little detail. To gain such a stand, is not a simple path it’s full of the right basic fundamentals. By working on them properly the littles have achieved absolute control. The ways are so sophisticated and detailed that the chances of failure are almost none. This shadow is now everything for I’s. As they are enjoying it with the sense of their will. The biggest mistake.

Absolute control has different means which are:

a. Knowledge center;

I’s were getting knowledge to be benefited to earn wealth, respect and some recognition. But they were tough only two types of things which were:
1- How to store.
2- How to obey the so- called discipline.
Which were used by the littles to build some alys. To keep the shadow there.

b. Entertainment:

The criteria for entertainment were changed. So, to be amused or be entertained the way is to perceive the meaningless in the most distorted way. Exposure one’s the sign of strength is the sign of entertainment here.

C. Laws:

Are power behind the shadow in fact the soul of little-i-ism. They were made and used in such ways that the soul will maintain its place and keep running the process. Minor adjustments in the truth and there is the law for you. Without knowing l’s are accepting the path of little’s littleness. If I came to know such an adjustment. That’s the last mistake. Then such I is going to be a mark of disgrace.


The one liner.
If you have then show, if you don’t try to have it.
This is so powerful that any I can become little. But they were everything here and only here as time is not only for one side of the dice.


. Fulfillment.
.No harm for silence.
.Cham everywhere.


The more you have; the more you will be investigated, if not here then somewhere.

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A Jewel of the Arabia (Sultanate of Oman)

Thu Nov 21 , 2024
As the Sultanate of Oman prepares to celebrate its 53rd National Day on November 18th, it is a time to reflect
A Jewel of the Arabia (Sultanate of Oman)

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