Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, is far more than just a period of fasting.
District Talagang is a district located in the northern region of the Punjab province in Pakistan.
Attock (Special Report) Tariq Mahmood Appointed Chairman Standing Committee on Health FPCCI for the ninth consecutive time. His appointment was notified on the nomination of Chairman Coordination FPCCI Mirza Abdul Rehman. Tariq Mahmood is also the President of District Board of Management Punjab Vocational Training Council, Attock District. Political and […]
Attock (Dr. Shuja Awan) The COVID-19 Red Campaign Phase II has officially started in Attock. Teams of health department Punjab are going door to door to facilitate the public. A special walk and seminar was also organized in this regard. The event was attended by a large number of Health […]