Free medicine is being provided to TB patients in Attock

Attock (Special Report by Shuja Akhtar Awan) TB is a treatable disease. Government hospitals across the district have TB diagnosis and treatment facilities. Free medicine is being provided to TB patients. These views were expressed by Dr. Dawood Malik, District Coordinator, DOTS TB Control Program, during a meeting with Lady Health Workers and Supervisors at Tehsil Headquarters Hospital Hazro. Focal person Sheikh Daniel was also present on the occasion. He told the health workers that you are doing a great job. Your efforts include the eradication of diseases like TB and the complete success of the TB Dots program. However, more work is required, he said, adding that the best facilities for diagnosis and treatment of TB patients are being provided at Attock District Health Centers, Rural Health Centers, Tehsil and District Headquarters Hospital.

The centers are being personally monitored by National Level Officers as well as Chief Executive District Health Authority Dr. Jawad Elahi to ensure effective eradication of this contagious disease in addition to ensuring eradication from the society. He said that the medicines provided free of cost to the patients at the TB center are very valuable and effective. He said that TB is a dangerous but treatable disease and treatment for TB should be started as soon as possible. Lack of timely treatment can spread the disease to other members of the family. TB is one of the deadliest diseases in Pakistan. Millions of people are infected with TB every year. Chronic cough without any reason Weakness and weight loss Coughing up mucus, loss of appetite, sore throat or enlarged glands can be symptoms of TB. In case of these symptoms, immediately contact the government-run health center where TB diagnosis facility is available through advanced lab tests. Through the TB Dots program, the patient is given supervised medication so that the treatment does not remain incomplete and the patient recovers quickly.


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Rural Life in the Last Century Part 2

Sat May 14 , 2022
Interesting stories from the past by Dr. Abdus Salam. JB
Rural Life in the Last Century Part 2

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