Last session of District Council Attock 2016-2021

Last session of District Council Attock 2016-2021

Attock (Dr. Shuja Awan) Last session of the District Council Attock 2016-2021 was held today at District Council Hall . Chairperson Ms. Iman Tahir said that the local government system is an excellent system for solving the basic problems of the people but the condition is that the elected representatives should be given real powers. I think the new Local Government Act is a good attempt in the right direction. In our short tenure, we have made every effort to spend all available resources on the welfare of the people. May Allah give us more courage, strength and ability to dedicate our resources to make life easier for the people of Attock.


The birthday cake of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, was cut and a great tribute was paid to him.


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The Punjab Government should not implement Schedule G

Wed Dec 29 , 2021
The Punjab Government should not implement Schedule G Pharmaceutical community concerns over Punjab government's new law
The Punjab Government should not implement Schedule G

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